"Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive,
to carry, and to give back."
~~Dag Hammarskjold~~

lovely and fragile blossoms against the pureness of a sky
blue morning.
No Studio Time for me today - lawn duty calls. Rolling and fertilizing - Oh! the vibrant colors of today make me want to lay down in the lawn and just look up at the sky.
And, speaking of looking up, yesterday I saw there are actual leaves out at the tops of the 100 year old maples that surround my home. The citron color, today.
However, even on days that do not allow Studio Time, I always love to wander in just to smell the smells of my studio; and immediately feel the presence of peace and tranquility. I am sure each of you that have a studio - whatever your art is and what ever the size, feel this same Zen feeling.
I step around things in the studio because as I mentioned the studio is in transition - some remodeling going on. I actually was going to snap a photo of it today so that you can see the process from now till it is finished. But, then I thought Oh! No! I must wait till there is a little less mess - most things tarped and stacked. However, I have one small area on one of my working stations that I do have a piece in progress for an up and coming Trumbull Art Gallery exhibit.
I wish you a safe and fun weekend and time to savor the days. Ciao