"Love Mailings" is another piece of my art that went to New Zealand for the 14th International Collage Exhibition and Exchange, last month.
The exhibit is now up and open to the public at the Gallery in Taranaki, New Zealand. It is also on the Net http://virtual.tart.co.nz
Thus allowing a world audiance to view and a chance to buy these collages.
And, the ones that do not sell will be permanently available at
One piece, which the artist chose will go to the permanet collection of Aotea Wanganui Institute in Australia.
In early to mid May each artist will receive back 11 pieces of art from 11 other artists throughout the world. As any of the participating artists will tell you - this is an exciting time to have and own a piece of art from another county and to study their style and techniques.
I chose the title "Love Mailings" to remember and honor the art of of hand written letters. I believe that the art of beuatiful hand writing - the perfect flow, the perfectly formed letters is slowly coming to an end. Emails now are taking place.
But, there is something so exciting waiting and receiving a letter in the actual mail - some of us had pen pals as children and waited in anticipation for that letter from a friend in another country. And, the love letters of our grandparents and great grandparents during the wars - preserving their love until the return home.