Taking you further along the way of my New Zealand Collage Exhibition &
Exchange journey. This is the one I ear marked "for sale" and has already received some great comments & kuddos!
The Title represents the high time and the low time of the steel mill era of Ohio and Mid-
Western Pa. The reds & oranges depict the fires that along with the men who fired those
fires made the steel industry what it once was in this country and in our own local Valley. The fires from the mills lit up
the skies both day and night.
And, then............this time.....this era ended. And, the area that produced most of the steel for the
nation & export died. No jobs, the steel mills, the buildings themselves now stand alone
like skeletons against the sky.
The piece of rusted steel that is a part of this collage represents what is left ,,,,
The Rust Belt.