"Silk And Ice"
Greetings ~ No new art since the week before last; and alas
no time in the studio. Such is the time for me since last
Sunday's wind storm. However, very lucky and blessed
not to have been hit like the people in Illinois and other parts
of the country.
I lost part of a large maple - probably one of the few remaining virgin maples on the lake. And, this
is sad within itself. I was without electric from Sunday evening till early Tuesday morning.
And, then began to find the electrical damage inside and outside my home. From crushed rail post fence,
to the complete loss of large appliances from water conditioner to TV and on and on.

Went out to the studio and found that everything was good
out there and I just sat a moment and felt the peace. The photo
at the top is of window art of mine - silk paints on silk fabric
and to be hung in the window. Sitting out there and "just being"
heals ~
Outside, a photo of Nature's art - pure and a gift.
I wish each of you a lovely and safe holiday.~~~