"Cooking For Picasso"
As I say, Art comes in so many forms - writing, cooking,, capturing ones' travels and
so forth. I believe there is also an "art" to reading. That is, instilling the love of reading in
a child's heart and soul ~ learning the self satisfying enjoyment of one's own company.
If you love reading, if you love traveling, if you love cooking, and you find passion in the
lushness of fresh summer produce and you just love being in love . . . .
this is a must read on your list of "books to be read".
Immediately, you are drawn into the romance of the Riviera The pungent smells
of the heat radiating from the water and sun and salt eroded docks and the
tantalizing aroma of basil, garlic, ripened tomatoes and parsley. The smell of
saffron described as "a kiss between fresh mown hay and chestnut honey".
This is a historical novel written with some facts about the artist, Picasso; but also
rumors and fictional story telling. Family secrets kept; and revealed.
A delightful read which you will not want to miss and. . . . you will not want to end.
The author, Camille Aubray, engages the reader into the breath taking beauty of the
early 1920's to the present.
Publication date is August 9, 2016.