~~ Wearable Art ~~
To the left is a photo of the most
recent hand painted silk scarf
that I finished this morning.
I like working with the silk and using
several techniques which can include in-
additional to the designing with the silk
paints themselves, I might use a rusting
technique or even incorporating
sun dying to get different dimensions
and layering of most anything -
on this particular piece, I used sweet
This particular scarf has been asked for; but, is going to be one of the prizes
at my granddaughter's Bridal shower.
I was asked this morning; that perhaps I would like to do a "Scarf Auction"
and after the shower, it is a possibility.
My scarfs are available for purchase by contacting me here under "Comments" or on
Face book either on my profile page or studio page. Or email : [email protected].
Each one is unique and personally designed by me.