Thoughts as I sit in my Studio ..........
2018 - A time for new adventures, second chances, and new beginnings.
But, right now I do not want to reflect.......nor do I want to look ahead.......
I want to be in this moment - the gift of silent meditation.
But, in letting my thoughts wander. . . I think of something Oprah said the other
day while a guest on "Ellen".
"Be thankful for the routine". We all have our routines.....putting the feet on the floor, putting
coffee on......showering, brushing teeth, brushing hair........or whatever your routines are
made of.
My attention peeked, when she said something that I think of the same as she does......
When she is in the shower or brushing her hair or, putting her shores on in the
morning, . . . she thinks of the people who died that morning on 9/11. Not just the
horrific tragedy ...... but,that they had routines.......showering......putting their shoes on......
starting" just a normal day" with everyday routines. They never could have imagined
that there would be no more days of these unconscious routines...
So, in 2018, let us be thankful for "the routine". .
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