~ Sumi Encaustic Scupture ~
This week's Blog, "One Artist's Journey "
takes us down a new path of art techniques. I am so
in love with Encaustic Art and it's values, hues,
mobility; and it's shall we say dramatic effect. And, so
many people are asking about my techniques with
molten wax that I am really caught up in experimenting every day. As I mentioned on Face
Book, studying the instructional DVD's of Cari Hernandez has been so helpful and so
very inspirational - that I am carried off on a new encaustic adventure every day. And,
there are also some other encaustic artists who I will talk about later who are really
stepping outside the box. This pictured piece of mine above is the second piece of
encaustic sculpture. A direction that I will be moving and experimenting with in the days
to come. And, I will include you in that journey as well. I would love to hear from any
of you with questions and/or ideas. In the mean time, happy creating to each of you.