Morning On Kinsman Lake
It is snowing now and very cold here; but
day break was beautiful.
A new Week with other friends in for dinner
again, tonight. These are some of the "sma;ll
things that become the big things".......
sharing food together, sitting back
and sharing good and difficult things.
Listening to some good music,
Last evening, after the friends left I got on U-Tube and listened to some of the music
we had talked about. Just a pleasant weekend -
Now, for a peaceful week in the Studio, I hope! Must get the Art Log done
for the 13 pieces headed to New Zealand. Another piece of Art finished
for an Evening Of Art & Wine at one of the Art Centers next weekend.....
and that will be February!
Wishing you a great week; and more pictures to come of the Outstanding and awesome
exhibit that I saw in Erie, Pa last week.