Artist Open Studio
Mark your calendar for next weekend - Sat.
Oct 26, 2013 ~ 11:00 AM - 4:00 Pm at the artist
studio of friend and fellow artist,
6859 Bushnell Rd (Rt 84); Conneaut, Ohio:
440-594-2839. Take Rt 7 North to intersection
of Rt 7 & Rt 84. Watch for signs. At the
intersection - traveling North - turn right & travel
approx 1 1/2 miles to blue house on left. Feel free
to telephone if you need further direction.
Sandy's art as well as other area artists will
have their art on display. Come and enjoy refreshments and time to surround yourself
with art; and leisurely conversation time with the artists. The local animal rescue
will be there with pets that want their forever homes and a portion of money will
be donated to them.
~ Come and let yourself be inspired and feel the magic ~