"Reminder Open Studio"
Just a quick reminder to take a drive in the
country and visit the Open Studio of Sandy
Shelenberger this coming Saturday, Oct 26,
2013. The Studio is located at 6859 Bushnell
Rd., (same as Rt 84) Conneaut, Ohio. Watch
for the signs. From Ohio: 2 miles East of Rt
7 on Rt 84; coming from Pa., 1 mile West of
State Line (Rt 226 in pa becomes Rt 84 in Ohio)
House is on North side of the road.
Event starts at 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Local
artists will have their work on display for sale. The day will be filled with Demo's
light refreshments, Raffle. Benefit items are also for the Ashtabula, Ohio
County Humane Society. And, there is a Meet And Great for some of our
furry friends who want their forever home~
While in the area ~ you can enjoy the ever lasting beauty of Lake Erie and The
Conneaut Light House as well as covered bridges and local wineries.
Hope to see you Saturday!