~~ Beach Music ~~
For a;ll things under the heavens, the
earth holds mysteries, stories untold,
. . . . a soul of sorts. The sands dance
and lay quiet in the warmth of the sun;
pieces of dock rope, sea glass and
pottery sculptured by the hands of
tides. . . and if you listen . . .
you will hear the magical and
haunting melody of Beach Music.
I have always gone to the water and the beach where I find answers to difficult things
in my life. After my husband passed away I was drawn back to the wind and the water
to restore my body and soul. And, after numerous years away from my studio, I was
drawn back once again on course to my art.
"Beach Music" was my first creative exploration and expression with the return in 2007.
It will be displayed in the upcoming Fiber Exhibit during the month of October, 2013 at
The Conneaut Center For The Arts; 1925 Buffalo St., Conneuat, Ohio.